Ducan diet - a table of products and menus for each day with recipes

The Ducan Diet has consistently topped the list of best food patterns. Almost one in three weight loss people tried to stick to it. She has received many critical reviews because of the need to strictly adhere to the diet. But the statistics show that almost everyone who sat in it threw a lot of excess weight and did not gain weight anymore.

The Dukan diet was developed by the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. It took him almost 40 years to carry out all the necessary research and present the final results of his work to the public. A unique method of losing weight, created by a doctor, has become very popular and sought after almost immediately.

The essence and principles of the Ducan diet

The main essence of the diet is the division of the total weight loss into 4 stages, each of which has a different diet.

author of the diet Pierre Ducan

The basic principles of the Ducan diet are based on the following:

  • Exclude fatty meats from your diet.
  • Eat chicken, turkey. Fish should also not be high in fat.
  • Tilted dairy products are allowed. Natural yogurt with fruit additives is allowed.
  • Sugar and salt - strictly speaking, a minimum, but various natural sweeteners and spices are not excluded.
  • For each phase, only a specific catalog is characteristic.
  • Vegetables need to be boiled or steamed or grilled.
  • It is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of still drinking water per day.
  • Eat 1 tablespoon of oat bran daily in the morning.

Important!Starchy vegetables such as potatoes and some legumes are not recommended for steaming.

traditional food on the Ducan diet

Where to start

Before you start dieting, you should definitely set yourself up for a positive outcome. You can watch an inspiring movie or read reviews about those who managed to lose all those extra pounds thanks to the Ducan menu.

In addition to motivation, it is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist. It may be possible to diagnose certain diseases, because this method of losing weight is not suitable for an individual.

Stages of the Dukan protein diet

Losing weight from the Ducan diet is necessary in 4 stages which have the following names:

  • Attack.
  • Partition (also called Cruise).
  • Akkeri.
  • Price stabilization.


The first phase of "Attack" is the shortest, its length depends on the initial weight that is lightest. 10 to 20 kg - 5, from 20 to 30 kg - week. When the excess is more than 30 kg, the stage level will be 10 days.

The second phase "Alternation" is the basis of the Ducan diet. Its length also depends on excess weight. It is necessary to follow the nutritional level until the weight reaches the required weight. On average, the period "Alternation" or "Cruise" takes from 2 to 6 months.

The length of the third level "Consolidation" depends on the number of pounds thrown away. Each kilogram lost is 10 days from the stage.

It is recommended to do the fourth level of "Stability" to get used to the rest of your life, as it helps to maintain your weight and stay healthy.

Description and rules for points

First, the body needs to be ready to cut down on diet, then the process of losing weight begins, after which it is necessary to condense the result and get used to a new lifestyle without harmful products.


During the attack period, the body must be adjusted to burn fat. You can eat at any time of the day, but only certain foods.

Meat and fish should be boiled or steamed. It is permissible to add vanilla powder or coconut to yoghurt.

protein foods on the ducan diet

Alternate or cruise

The voyage is about the division of vegetable and protein days. You can change them from 1 to 5 days. Nutritionists recommend sticking to 1/1 or 2/2 treatment. As a protein you can consume products from the attack stage and low-fat cheese, kefir.

Important!Consumption of potatoes, rice, beans, avocados and cereals is strictly prohibited.

Dock or compaction

Promising level where Ducan's menu allows indulgence. Once every 7-10 days, you can arrange regular days and eat anything in moderation. But at the same time, during the same period, it is necessary to spend 1 loading, completely protein day.

Rice, beans, pasta, potatoes and beans are allowed to be consumed only twice a week. Cheese and bread also need to be cut.

Price stabilization

Pierre Dukan recommends sticking to the stability level menu for life. This nutrition makes it possible to form the right lifestyle.

Principles of the fourth phase:

  • Drink up to 2 liters daily. clean water.
  • Stay active, walk in the fresh air for half an hour a day.
  • Perform a protein fasting day once a week.
  • Start each morning with 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal

Table of approved products for each level

Diet level Allowed products
  • lean meat (turkey and chicken);
  • fish;
  • chicken eggs (not more than 2 pcs per day);
  • some types of natural herbs and spices (mustard, substitute sugar, vinegar, garlic, lemon juice);
  • low-fat yogurts without additives.
  • Phase 1 products;
  • asparagus;
  • artichoke hearts;
  • eggplant, radishes, beets, zucchini;
  • white cabbage, broccoli;
  • mushrooms;
  • onions and leeks;
  • pumpkins;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • sorrel, spinach, celery;
  • beans.
  • products from the first two stages;
  • fruits and berries (except cherries, bananas, melons and grapes);
  • 2 slices of bread daily;
  • ripe varieties of cheese;
  • potatoes;
  • pasta;
  • rice, beans and peas.
Price stabilization You can eat everything, but in moderation. However, it is recommended to switch to proper nutrition.

Example of a daily menu for all levels

Description of an example of a weekly menu for all stages of the Ducan diet:

Stage breakfast Dinner Dinner
  • processed cheese with scrambled eggs;
  • chicken fricasci;
  • omelette;
  • boiled eggs;
  • meat flakes in the oven.
  • steamed chicken or fish lean kettle
  • chicken broth or puree soups;
  • boiled or baked chicken;
  • bone meatballs;
  • lean veal steaks with lemon juice and thyme.
  • baked meatballs with herbs;
  • egg roll with ham;
  • steamed or baked fish;
  • light fish cake.
Alternately Protein day:
  • ham omelet;
  • dyukanovskie syrniki;
  • hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs;
  • skimmed cheese.

Belkovo - Vegetarian Day:

  • hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs;
  • raw vegetables or grilled;
  • omelette or scrambled eggs with tomatoes;
  • oatmeal pancakes.
  • chicken chops or meatballs;
  • ducan flatbread;
  • chicken puree soup;
  • ear;
  • lean chicken kebab.
  • boiled or baked chicken with grilled vegetables;
  • meatball soup;
  • vegetable salad;
  • boiled vegetables with meat.
  • soups and broths with lean meats;
  • baked or steamed fish;
  • garnish with vegetables and kefir.
  • fish baked in the oven with mushrooms;
  • vegetable stew;
  • steamed chops with steamed vegetables.
Akkeri The menu is almost like the rotating phase dose. Now you can eat pasta 2 times a week, boil potatoes in the skin or cook soups with them.
Price stabilization All recipes made from natural products for proper nutrition.

Note!You can independently develop a menu for every day of the Dukan diet.

Dishes recipes

The Ducan Diet boasts a variety of recipes. All of them are only prepared from permissible foods that are included in the diet.

Ducan soup soup

The soup requires the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml of chicken broth;
  • 1 smoked chicken thigh;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • half a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • spices and salt to taste.

It should be prepared as follows:

  1. Finely chop the onion.
  2. Lightly grease the pan with oil to brown the onion slightly.
  3. Remove the skin from the ham, separate the meat from the bones and chop it into small pieces.
  4. Pour the broth over the fried onion and add the oat bran and the meat to it.
  5. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Then add turmeric, spices and salt, if necessary, and mix.

Note!If the smoked ham is already salty, it is better not to salt the broth.

smoked soup on the ducan diet

Cottage cheese

The diet pot is prepared without sugar and salt, ideal for the protein day on the bill.

The following ingredients are required:

  • 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese (not granular);
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • sugar substitute.

Step-by-step preparation of low-calorie sugar looks like this:

  1. Mash the cheese and mix it with the eggs.
  2. Soak the sweet tablets with a little water and add them to the curd, mix together.
  3. Grease a baking tin with a piece of butter.
  4. Put cheese in a smooth layer and place in the oven for half an hour at 170 ° C.

Note!To prevent the pot from burning and sticking to the baking tray, you can sprinkle the bran on the mold.

You mayonnaise

du mayonnaise on the Ducan diet

Du-mayonnaise for Attack is made from the following products:

  • 3 raw egg yolks;
  • 100 ml of petroleum jelly;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar (can be replaced with wine);
  • a few drops of lemon juice;
  • salt clip;
  • half a tablet of sugar substitute.

According to the algorithm you need:

  1. Beat the egg yolks with salt.
  2. Add sugar and stir.
  3. Available in 1 tsp. pour in liquid paraffin, stirring gradually.
  4. Continue beating the mixture, pour in the vinegar and lemon juice.

Another variant of Du mayonnaise is suitable for the Attack phase. For him you need:

  • 300 ml of light yogurt without additives (can be replaced by diet);
  • 3 yolks of hard-boiled eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

You need to cook it like this:

  1. Grind the egg yolks with a fork until smooth.
  2. Add yoghurt and mix well.
  3. Add salt and mustard with pepper, mix again.

Pierre Ducan's Vegetarian Diet for Meat Resistance

Vegetarians have a hard time sticking to the Ducan diet, especially on protein days. However, there is an effective way to transport it without interruption - to replace animal proteins with vegetables. Soy will help a lot here. In the third stage it is necessary to increase the amount of vegetables in the diet.


During the attack period, rapid weight loss of 2 to 7 kg occurs. In the second stage, all the excess mass is discarded, as this is the goal that alternates. In the final stages, the result is dense, so 1-2 kg can go.

before and after the results of the Ducan diet


The Dukan diet has many contraindications, because before using it, you must definitely consult a doctor.

Note!Although this diet has been compiled by a doctor, it has received many critical reviews from other experts and nutritionists.

Its contraindications are:

  • kidney and liver disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • the presence of gastrointestinal problems;
  • hormonal disorders and endocrine disorders;
  • old age or adolescence;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • allergy to plant protein or lactose.

pros and cons

Losing weight in the diet of Dr. Pierre Ducan has many advantages:

  • There are no strict limits on the amount of food consumed.
  • Healthy and varied diet.
  • Rapid weight loss in the first stage, which encourages to continue the diet further.
  • Gradual healthy weight loss and long fasting times do not allow you to gain weight again.

This technology revealed the following flaws:

  • Hepatic and renal function worsens.
  • Metabolism slows down.
  • Appetite is suppressed and as a result there is constant fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Due to the excessive production of ketone names, you get an unpleasant odor from your mouth.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Appearance of constipation.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
fatigue and stress due to the Ducan diet

Ducan diet Frequently asked questions

Despite the detailed description of each phase of the Ducan diet, people still have many questions.

What is dangerous

Pierre Ducan's diet can be dangerous if the person who has lost weight has disrupted the function of certain organs and body systems and has not been consulted by a doctor. In other cases, such food can not cause much harm to the body.

Can I use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not follow this diet. Ducan's daily diet menu does not provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. And on difficult Fridays comes stress and fatigue, which can be harmful to young mothers.

Is alcohol possible

Alcohol is not recommended but it can be used in cooking.

Note!Alcohol is high in calories and unhealthy. In addition, the poisoning of the body reduces the motivation to lose weight, as it lowers its strength, will and desire for something.

Is that possible baby

The Dukan food system forbids eating not only honey but also dried fruit with nuts. They contain elevated levels of glucose, as some types of berries do.

What bran to use

The most useful are oat bran, but their use should begin every day. This is a simple but effective way to start your metabolism, which slows down any diet.

What is COM

COM simply stands for skimmed milk powder. It is difficult to find in regular stores but it is often used in the production of diets from the Ducan diet.

What to do in case of failure

Since the diet is quite difficult, it becomes very difficult for people who are starting to lose weight to get used to it. You should not give up in the event of a failure, you just need to continue eating according to the plan further, as if it were not a violation. However, it will be necessary to add an additional day at the stage where overeating occurred.

Note!If it is a breakdown, then it is helpful to increase the weight to lose the calories you have accumulated.

the dignity and importance of the Ducan diet

Dukan food can rightly be considered the "queen" of all diets. Over the years it has helped thousands of desperate overweight people lose weight. Despite negative reviews from doctors, ordinary people who have tried it point to the success of technology. It will take a lot of patience. and a willingness to hold out all the time required, but the results pay off with interest.