The right healthy diet for weight loss

healthy diet regimen for weight loss

Both nutritionists and occupational therapists agree that the most effective way to lose weight is not the most diet, but the principle of combining proper nutrition and exercise.

The right foods on the menu and daily sports are not only for weight loss, but also to strengthen muscles, improve physique. But to lose weight, not only a proper diet is important, but also discipline, as well as following some important tips.

How to plan an effective and healthy diet for weight loss, how to negotiate weight loss for weight loss, will be discussed in this article.

Why do you need to eat right?

Almost everyone who wants to lose weight dreams of not getting tired of dieting and at the same time losing weight. In addition, the diet for weight loss is often very limited in terms of calorie content and variety. You can only follow a diet to lose weight for a certain period of time. During this period it is possible to lose weight, sometimes even quite a lot of weight. But after such a regime ends and one begins to eat ordinary food, the kilos return. As a result, the weight will be the same, and sometimes even more than for the diet. Of course, such jumps are harmful to the body.

The way out for those who have a clear intention to lose weight is proper nutrition (PP), which is to change their eating habits and maintain a certain lifestyle. It is very important that in this case the daily diet is not poor and tasteless. The diet for PP consists of very tasty but healthy food. By using numerous recipes you can prepare very original dishes. But most importantly, this is a normal nutritious diet where an individual does not suffer from a constant feeling of hunger, as is the case with diet. Since the diet for weight loss, although adhering to the principles of proper nutrition, is very diverse, the desire to quit everything and break out, and soon lose weight already seems to be a real success.

In addition, such a system helps to improve your health and your overall well-being. Eating right provides the individual with all the essential nutrients - vitamins, minerals.

Proper Nutrition for Weight Loss: Guidelines and Rules

nutrition menu for weight loss

Exercising a healthy diet for weight loss is not difficult. To do this, you must constantly adhere to important principles of healthy eating. And once you get used to it quickly. The menu with proper nutrition for weight loss must be compiled with these rules in mind. Only in this case, the menu to lose weight will prove to be both varied and so that it does not harm the image and health.

The following rules are important:

  • You need to eat often and in small portions. Ideally, you should eat at least five times a day, at a similar time. The last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Fragmented meal prevents you from feeling hungry and overeating.
  • It is important to stop fast food altogether. The list of such products is quite large. This is not only prepared food such as burgers and hot dogs, but also hot dogs, canned food, instant semi-finished products, fried potatoes and more. fl. Synthetic foods contain many preservatives, flavors, colorings and other harmful substances that prevent weight loss. In addition, these substances give appetite and smell and taste and one eats them more than necessary. These foods are very high in calories and contain very few nutrients. Therefore, the menu should contain only natural healthy products.
  • It is necessary to chew food for a long time and very thoroughly. Long-term chewing contributes to weight loss, as well-chewed food is better absorbed. In addition, the slower you eat, the lower your full dose. With the right meal, the brain receives a timely signal of fullness that makes it possible to avoid overeating.
  • Drink plenty of water. If you drink about two liters of water a day, your metabolism will speed up and your toxins will start to be actively removed from your body. But in this case we are talking about clean water, not other drinks.
  • It is important to maintain a proper balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Proteins are essential for the body to build muscle tissue, carbohydrates provide energy and fat is important for the brain, nervous system and other organs. Your body needs about 60 g of fat, 70 g of protein and 250 g of carbohydrates per day. You also need to consume about 30 g of dietary fiber a day. The basis of good nutrition is protein foods, unsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates.
  • It is important to calculate the calorie content correctly. To eat right and lose weight, you can eat a dose of nutritional value of about 500 calories for breakfast, 400 calories for lunch and 300 calories for dinner. On average, the daily diet should be 1500-2000 kcal. But those who try to lose weight actively need to reduce the calorie content to 1200-1300 kcal. Later, when the desired results are achieved, the calories can be increased. The calorie table helps to form the menu correctly.
  • You should not eat dry food. Main meals should be warm and wholesome, not sandwiches or cookies. Once a day you should eat a liquid dish - soup, broth, borscht.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits as often as possible. At the same time there are vegetables and you need to use recipes to lose weight that contain it more often than fruits.
  • You need to live an active life. It is important not only proper nutrition for weight loss, but also adequate exercise. Even from the pictures of those who eat right and go to sports it is noticeable that the process of changing the picture in this case is much faster.
  • Massage is recommended to improve metabolic processes. This is an additional procedure, but regular massage helps to get rid of congestion, speeds up weight loss and improves well-being.
  • Avoid alcohol. Since alcohol also contains a lot of calories, and in addition it has a negative effect on the body as a whole and especially the process of losing weight, drug use should be minimized. Of course, you can drink a glass of dry wine in some cases. But in general, eating right means quitting alcoholic beverages.
  • It is necessary to prepare food properly. By researching the basics of proper nutrition, everyone understands how to consume cooked, cooked and baked foods and excludes fried foods.

Based on the above rules, we can outline the most important principles according to which a healthy nutrition plan should be developed:

  • The energy value of the products consumed should correspond to the energy consumption of the body.
  • The body must receive the substances in the products it needs to function properly. One should get at least 70 different components daily with food.
  • Products on the menu and accordingly recipes should be as varied as possible.
  • Meals must be properly organized.

Foods for weight loss

A healthy weight loss diet should include foods rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Such foods should also speed up the metabolism and reduce hunger.

The daily menu of those who have decided to eat well should include the following foods:

  • Turkey, chicken, rabbit, lean veal.
  • Fish - sea and river, seafood.
  • Eggs - chicken, raised.
  • vegetable oils - flaxseed, olive oil, sesame, coconut.
  • Variety of vegetables with less starch.
  • Fruits.
  • Low fat dairy products.
  • Whole grains.
  • Spices, natural spices.

It is very easy to create a daily diet for weight loss, e. g. mt meals from these products. Indeed, from so many different products you can cook many dishes, but their recipes can be found in different sources.

An example of a diet might be:

  • For breakfast - a protein or whole grain porridge.
  • For lunch - soup and protein dish, vegetable salad.
  • Snack - fruit selection.
  • Dinner is a dish made from vegetables or dairy products.

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Nutrition that is good for weight loss must include foods that promote effective weight loss. Frequent consumption of them accelerates the loss of excess weight.

Examples of such products are shown below.

Cabbage - it contains a lot of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, E, K. It is also important that this vegetable contains a lot of fiber and various minerals. There are few calories in cabbage, but in the process of digesting it, the body consumes a lot of energy. A proper diet menu can include salads, entrees, stews, cabbage rolls and other cabbage delicacies.
  • Buckwheat- This breakfast cereal contains a lot of iron and other minerals, B vitamins. It is also important that buckwheat allows you to get full quickly and not feel hungry for a long time. It helps to improve digestion, lowers cholesterol levels and helps you lose weight fast.
  • Fish- Sea fish contain many polyunsaturated acids that are very important for the body, as well as a number of equally useful vitamins. If the fish is boiled or baked, it will just be an ideal product for weight loss.
  • Chicory- This beverage product contains inulin. This substance normalizes the metabolic process, helps to remove excess fluid from the body and reduces hunger. In addition, you can drink such a drink at any time, as there is no caffeine in it.
  • Chili pepper- the composition contains the substance capsacin which promotes active digestion and speeds up metabolism.
  • Green tea- it improves metabolic processes. This tea contains catechin - a biological substance that is useful for the body.
  • What should be excluded from the menu?

    • Sausages and sausages, bacon, bacon, fatty meats.
    • Candy - jam, candy, candy. You can regularly eat small amounts of dark chocolate and honey. Some nutritionists recommend using sugar supplements.
    • Refined vegetable oils, margarine.
    • Bread, white bread.
    • Sweet soda, packaged juices, alcohol.
    • Fat sauces.

    Healthy weight loss diet menu

    To facilitate proper eating habits, you should at least plan your weekly diet. This plan will help you not only buy healthy food but also determine what dishes you should prepare for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day.

    Below are menu options that make it easy to plan the right meal for the week. There are several options for each meal that can be used to form both an adult and children's menu.


    • Oatmeal with raisins and honey.
    • Chicken omelette.
    • Curd with yogurt.
    • Buckwheat porridge with vegetable salad.


    • Fruit of your choice.
    • Boiled eggs with black bread.
    • Banana yogurt.
    • Fresh fruit or vegetables to choose from.


    • Chicken soup, baked beef, cucumber.
    • Lean borscht, fish with vegetables.
    • Creamy vegetable soup of your choice, boiled chicken fillets, vegetable salad.
    • Ukha, baked potato with turkey or chicken.


    • Epli.
    • Curd and tea.
    • Nuts to choose from.
    • Carrot Salad.


    • Omelette with vegetables and cheese.
    • Lean meat, baked or boiled.
    • Vegetarian dish.
    • Vegetable salad and boiled fish.

    At night

    • Apple.
    • Kefir.
    • Greipaldin.
    • Pineapple.

    Nutrition review for weight loss

    Numerous reviews of nutrition advice from those who have practiced it and continue to confirm it now confirm that such a system is the right choice. By going to any forum dedicated to this topic, you will see that many users are talking about the success of such a system. Proper nutrition is the best diet, assure those who managed to switch to this system. But before you go to PP, you need to clearly learn all the rules and lessons so as not to make a mistake in getting used to new life.

    As a positive, users notice weight loss, improved well-being, health, fresh appearance. It is also stated that the transition to a healthy diet helped many people to get rid of chronic diseases. That is, the reviews suggest that this system as a whole is much better than any diet, cleavage or sports nutrition and other methods to improve the image.

    As a negative point, users point out that it is sometimes very difficult to buy truly healthy products. When it comes to preparing healthy meals, the corresponding video recipes and step-by-step instructions in many descriptions of cuisine are very useful in this.


    Thus, proper nutrition is a very effective system for both weight loss and recovery. But for that, it is necessary to make it a lifestyle. If you learn to eat right and at the same time enjoy such a diet, you are guaranteed to lose weight and improve your health.