How to lose weight? 10 things about weight loss, that You didn't know

Closer to the main demonstration event of the summer, more urgent question - how to lose weight? I know that many of You this topic will appeal, and I am all the more pleasant to cover. In General, work in this direction, we pay more attention than usual and is likely to create a series of notes. Why am I global decided to approach the problem? Read and learn everything yourself.

How to lose weight: an introduction to the topic. Practical advice.

I would like to start with a brief history.

How to lose weight

As you know (you know, not?), I don't want to write your articles, which are not based on anecdotal information and sketchy study of the issue. So it was the time when I watch theme – how to lose weight? The first thing I had to face - the abundance of business proposals from various entities (companies, people) who offer their innovative products and methods of weight loss for everyone. I have to say that the number of these proposals, I just plunged into a light shock: then and colored pills (as in the movie "the Matrix"), hormonal drugs, and different kinds of wraps, and even a special put berries.

From all of my fragile brain long could not come to myself :). I felt so sad that the network of the first places in the results are the exactly the site and of the relevant proposals, I decided to drop this "heresy" in some useful materials, and I have no doubt that you realize the conceived (including Your help).

The second is my observation and conclusion was associated with the paucity (lack of completeness), and fragmentation of information. This one has no clear structure, the proposed recommendations are not everywhere the same. In General, summing up, I would say that the situation in relation to the topic of weight loss – it is unfortunate, and because it is bound by money and the desire to play (earn) the problem of man. My uncle and aunt with the magical pills and medicines that promise weight loss by doing nothing (and just to get their innovative nonsense), I want to "cut the dough" with unsuspecting people. And, judging by the variety of such proposals and the abundance of ads that have very well.

All this I said, smoothly bring one conclusion – never to lose weight, if you do not want to stop believing in "miracles". If you want to lose weight (mostly) only possible if You:

  • I will take all the responsibility for the current situation on yourself;
  • realize that to help yourself, only You yourself that have to work;
  • change of habits;
  • will do a rational action.

Only in compliance with the following points of the possible positive results of the care (continuous), extra pounds. Otherwise, it is better to read the note, and back on the search for a miracle cure and the techniques – "lose weight without having to do something."

It was the introductory part, the main purpose was to set You on the right working mood. Well, go on.

As I said earlier, in the future, more than one article from the series how to lose weight, today we are waiting for a light appetizer, in which there will be no theory and abstruse thoughts, but only 10 practical chips, the implementation of which will help You once and for all get rid of the pounds.

So enough of preambles, move on to the practical part.

In the human body there are different types of fat, so if it does not seems to be complete, it does not mean that he has no past, and that he is not experiencing any apparent health problems.

The negative impact of internal fat, visceral. Its distinguishing feature is that it is not visible to the naked eye, it is only diagnosed at a specialized clinic using MRI (magnetic resonance tomograph). This scanner finds hidden fat around internal organs: liver, kidneys, etc.

Usually the result of the survey is the following figure (1 – deviation from the norm; 2 – norm).

Most often, the increase in waist size says about the look in the body visceral fat. Begins to put pressure on the abdomen, and the person who has a belly. On the contrary, this fat will disappear first, if you're starting a diet (eat right) and exercise.

In fact, let's consider the basic tips that will help you lose weight, and as a consequence, to get rid of the internal fat.

Tip # 1. Don't skip meals.

Many people believe that if they miss a meal (one second), it will start to lose weight. On the one hand, the logical - eat less (consume fewer calories), so to get better no matter what. However, all is not so simple.

All the impulses of overeating of the controls on the higher nervous activity - the brain. This nutritional signals from it cause a person to keep an eye on the food. In particular, after a hearty Breakfast (t. j. if it is not missed), the brain is in a state of satiety and practically does not react to food. If you decide to "score" on some of the meals, the brain starts to respond quickly to high-calorie foods (sweets, chocolate, donuts, etc.).

Conclusion: you can skip Breakfast, lunch or dinner, so is lying to himself, but the brain cannot fool you. He will try every way to compensate for this meal, and it will make it the most "disgusting" way - by dreams of high-calorie foods.

Tip # 2. Change the meals.

A simple, but very effective way to lose weight is to take a plate with a smaller diameter. The normal plate has a diameter of 30 cm, 25 cm, You will be significantly reduced (by 22%) the amount of the meal.

Here the main feature lies in the fact that people simply cannot stop until you drain the whole plate. Ie You can in fact eat from smaller dishes, but if it is not great, you Can eat just because it is not able to stop in time.

Tip # 3. Count calories.

Each of us has their favorite foods, which we consume without thinking about their calorie content. To leave it would be a disaster for many, so we will not - we'll replace them with more low-energy partners.

Walking through all three meals can be ordered to reduce the number of calories consumed. Consuming low-calorie versions of these products to your normal diet, you start to lose weight. As the saying goes: "wolves are fed and the sheep are safe!".

Tip # 4. Not overeat.

One of the main reasons for excess weight is overeating. Pounds to follow, due to the fact that You have broken the Golden rule of balance, which says that if you want to lose weight, you need to spend more calories than you consume.

Do not eat more than usual (and for women the daily dose of calories is 2100-2800 calories for men 2800-3500k calories), you need to keep a diary of what and when You ate it. Moreover, it is necessary to be completely all consumed foods (biscuits with tea at work, snack in the car, etc.). Usually people don't write and half used products, because only it is not to see how to eat:).

Tip # 5. Give preference to protein foods.

Products, such as lean meat (Turkey, rabbit), eggs, legumes, fish, to make the body longer feeding. In addition to the "long" feeling of satiety You will eat less in other meals.

Why protein that has a similar feature? Let us deal.

In the course of the intake of food in the digestive system, is released into the blood hormone PYY. When it gets to the brain then suppresses the signals of hunger, and people longer to feel the feeling of satiety. The greatest influence on the production of PYY is a protein.

Conclusion: include in your daily food protein foods, especially lean on them in the morning food (Breakfast).

Tip # 6. Consume food in the form of puree.

To "stretch" the feeling of fullness until the next recharge process, it is necessary to turn solid foods into liquid (add a cup of water and place in a blender).

As you can see, this food provides a longer feeling of satiety. This is because during the intake of solid food (with a glass of water) on the walls of the stomach are stretched, however, the fluid in the second is not delayed. There are only small pieces of solid food fairly quickly (within 2 hours) to digest and take up less volume. Therefore, the stomach is rapidly shrinking.

On the other hand, if food wipe, add water (to the consistency of the soup), the total volume of the portions increases, and it is much longer and digestion in the stomach.

Tip # 7. Reduction in the diversity of purchased products.

Long gone are the days when stores was a shortage of goods. In the USSR Ostankino sausage, stood on the clock, and the other was not easy. Now the shelves and bursting with lots of products. So often, comes into the store, eyes just beginning to disperse, and you won't know what stop your eyes, because everyone wants to try.

So the diversity in foods associated with the amount of food eaten. In itself a rich selection is good, but when the process of selection of food connects the brain, wants to try out everything that represented abundance. As a result of this freedom, people can eat (and eats) 20-30% more than they could.

Conclusion: the possibility of choice increases our instinctive desire to eat all at once, which leads to overeating.

Tip # 8. Don't be afraid to consume dairy products.

We all know that dairy products are rich in calcium. So here he was, getting into the small intestine combines with the fat molecules, the result is not absorbed by the body substances. He, along with slag, is simply excreted from the body. Fat again, never a late person who is not a complete.

Conclusion: low-fat dairy products contribute to a better (2-fold, as in the case of their absence in the diet) excretion of fat.

Tip # 9. To make the body muscle tension.

Many people do not like going to fitness clubs or gyms. However, these facts can dramatically change their (Your) position. The body after physical activity is able to cause subsequent combustion is, when the fat "burns" in the next 24 hours after class. It turns out that the work in the evening (say, at 19-00, the fat will burn when you sleep and the whole next day.

This happens due to the fact that our body utilizes for its supply of energy from various fuels (mainly carbohydrates and fats). Carbohydrates during your workout to burn more quickly and after class, their stocks are very depleted. To them, they need time 24 hours. Because the priority of the source of energy, the body to maintain its activities (life processes) into fat.

Tip number 10. Be active without giving any reason.

Most people do not know how effective and useful for the body to use of time. Here are some examples of how to combine daily (the usual case) with the useful (fat burning):

  • talking on the phone not sit and walk around the room or in place;
  • while the trash, get down and climb the stairs on foot;
  • to walk pets, to move the pet;
  • go to and from work on foot (or get off one stop earlier);
  • the metro does not go on the escalator, and climb up on it;
  • sedentary work to do in the activity.