Diet for a week

The girl prepared products for the weekly diet

Now almost all modern women try to be ideal, so war has been declared on extra pounds. There are many methods of waging this war, but one of the most popular is diet. The diet helps to lose a large amount of excess weight in a very short time, so every representative of the fair sex dreams of seeing minus 5-6 kg per week. Weekly diet for weight loss has many types, but as experience shows, not everyone can do serious fasting.

Some women can diet for 2 weeks without much effort, while others struggle to last even 3 days. Why is this happening? The answer is obvious - not all diets are equally suitable for all women, each has its own metabolism, amount of excess weight, etc. You need to choose the diet that is most comfortable for you. This article will help you understand all the intricacies of losing weight on a weekly diet. You will learn how you can see minus 5-7 kg on the scale in one week and maybe more. The main thing is to choose a diet for yourself that will be both simple and effective. In this article, you can choose your own diet, as each method of losing weight here has a detailed description and menu. Getting slim is a goal that can and should only be achieved through proven means.

Kefir weekly diet

If you want to see minus 10 kg on the scale in just a week after losing weight, then this diet is just for you. The kefir diet is simply designed for weight loss, as it perfectly cleanses the body of waste and toxins, restores the function of the digestive tract, increases metabolic processes and reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Basic rules for this week's diet:

  • drink plain water every day, at least 1. 5 liters,
  • the entire daily volume of kefir must be divided into 5 parts,
  • Divide by-products into 5 portions,
  • When you feel hungry, drink kefir.

The principle is to drink low-fat kefir every day. In addition to this product, your diet will include several food groups that will help you feel full.

Menu for a week of weight loss

Diet day Main product Minor product
1 day Basic nutrition - 1. 5 liters of kefir 5 boiled jacket potatoes
Day 2 Basic nutrition - 1. 5 liters of kefir 150 g boiled chicken meat
Day 3 Basic nutrition - 2 liters of kefir 150 g boiled veal
4 day Basic nutrition - 2 liters of kefir 150 g boiled sea fish
5 day Basic nutrition - 1. 5 liters of kefir Unlimited non-starchy vegetables and fruits
Day 6 Basic nutrition - 1. 5 liters of kefir No additional product available
Day 7 Basic nutrition - 1. 5 liters of kefir 1 liter of mineral water

The principle is to drink low-fat kefir every day. In addition to this product, your diet will include several food groups that will help you feel full.

It is important!In order not to gain extra pounds after losing weight, you need to stop the diet correctly. To do this, you need to add 2 new foods to your diet every day. First you need to add oatmeal, fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, cheese), other types of meat and fish and whole grain bread.

In order not to harm your health, you should see a gastroenterologist before going on a diet. He should look at the condition of the digestive tract, as it can harm his health. This diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver. It is also contraindicated for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Favorite diet - minus 10 kg

Much has already been written about this diet, but it does not lose its popularity among women. To lose weight and see a minus on the scale, it is enough to follow the menu exactly. In a week of dieting, you can lose up to minus 10 kg. This success is achieved with the correct rotation of the lips. The special feature of this diet is that it provides the right way out of such a low-calorie diet.

Features of losing weight on the "Favorite" diet

The whole week of the diet should be strictly divided into days; you can not mix the diet. Additionally, on drinking days you can consume any liquid food, not just plain water. On days when there is no strict amount of food, the calorie content of the food should not exceed 1700 kcal. Among vegetables, it is better to pay attention to celery, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and herbs.

It is important!All foods included in this diet can be consumed without salt. To spice up bland foods during weight loss, you can sprinkle them with aromatic herbs, spices, and herbs.

From fruits, you can add grapefruits, oranges, green apples, any berries, watermelon, kiwi, pears to your diet. Do not choose bananas and grapes.

What can you eat these days?

  • 1 day.On this day of the diet, it is only allowed to drink various liquid foods. These can be berry smoothies, broth, puree soups, tea, coffee without sugar, juices, fermented milk products.
  • Day 2.On this day, only fresh vegetables and herbs are consumed. These can be salads, vegetable juices.
  • Day 3.It is acceptable to drink water and fermented milk products. This can be low-fat yogurt, starter cultures, kefir.
  • Day 4At this stage of the diet, you need to plan a fruit-only day. You can puree fruit, make juice and smoothies and prepare it in salads.
  • Day 5This period will help to calm the feeling of hunger, since on this day you can eat any protein food. This can be boiled white meat, boiled veal or pork, eggs, cottage cheese, steamed fish without salt, beans.
  • Day 6This day's menu is the same as the first day.
  • Day 7The final stage of the diet is presented in the form of a varied diet, which will help you get out of the exchange system correctly. You can have breakfast this day with two chicken eggs, vegetable salad and herbal tea. For lunch, you can make soup, but without fatty meat and frying. For dinner, it is permissible to eat a plate of vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil. Use a green apple and grapefruit for a snack this day.

Practical advice!During the diet, you may feel a little unwell or weak. To prevent the body from being in a state of stress for a long time due to weight loss, you need to drink a vitamin complex this week.

You need to stop the diet gradually, without a sudden change in diet. For the next two weeks after the diet, you should not add wheat products, sweets, fatty fish and meat, pasta or fatty sauces to your diet. This is the only way to maintain the lost pounds. A large number of positive reviews indicate that this diet is truly effective.

Soup diet

This diet option involves losing weight by minus 8-10 kg per week. This diet is often called one of the healthiest as it is based on preparing a liquid soup. The composition of this dish is quite simple but very healthy. You can eat ready-made soup in unlimited quantities, so it is better to cook it in large quantities throughout the day.

Features of cooking soup

This soup is prepared with onions, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and celery. These five ingredients can literally beat the hated fat on your figure in just 5-7 days. To cook, first wash and peel all vegetables. Cut all the ingredients into strips and add cold water. Put the soup on the fire and cook for 10 minutes.

It is important!You cannot add salt or vegetable oil to this dish. It should be as low calorie as possible. To make the soup cook faster, it is better to cut the onion and celery quite thinly.

You can consume the prepared soup in unlimited quantities. As soon as you feel hungry, you can immediately start eating. You can use any vegetables and fruits as a snack. It is better to choose citrus fruits, berries, apples, carrots and cucumbers.

Buckwheat diet

This weight loss technique can be safely called effective, as you can achieve minus 5-7 kg per week. Nutrition during this period consists of consuming only steamed buckwheat. This product is simple, but for a snack moment, you can use green apples and low-fat kefir. You can eat an unlimited amount of buckwheat per day, but you cannot eat more than 3 apples. As for kefir, it is better to drink it at night, no more than 1 glass.

How to prepare buckwheat correctly for a diet?

This quick week-long diet will only be effective if you properly prepare the main food item - buckwheat. To prepare it, just take a pan and pour 1-2 cups of buckwheat into it and pour boiling water over it all. There should be 2 fingers more water. Close everything tightly with a lid and let it brew for 8 hours. It is best to do this method in the evening so that you have time to eat breakfast in time.

Important!If you quickly tire of buckwheat and water, you can replace the water with low-fat kefir. In order for the grain to swell better, it can be heated up a little. Pour everything in and leave for about 8 hours. Eat boiled porridge during the day.

It is worth noting that you need to drink at least 1. 5 liters of plain water per day. It should be filtered, but without gas. For variety, you can drink green and herbal teas.

Fasting diet

Using this diet for weight loss is quite simple; for that you only need to master four basic rules:

  • The diet menu cannot contain products of animal origin, so the list of prohibited foods is filled with: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, caviar, offal;
  • You can only consume vegetable oil in minimal quantities, so that it does not exceed 30 ml per day; it is better to choose olive, sesame or linseed oil;
  • The basic basis of the whole diet should be grains, berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices;
  • reduce salt intake.

You should not expect up to minus 10 kg per week from this diet, as it cannot be called a fast diet. Weight loss occurs gradually and is an average of minus 3 kg per week. In addition, you must remember to drink enough water. In addition to water, you can add natural freshly squeezed juices, tea and coffee to your diet. Packaged juices are not suitable as they contain a large amount of sugar.

Protein diet

This diet option is very popular in the world. Many celebrities lose weight with this technique. But it is worth noting that you cannot lose weight on such a diet for more than a week, as it is dangerous for your health. The menu for this season is quite simple and affordable. This diet is easy, since during this period there is almost no feeling of hunger.

Basic rules:

  • You need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water without gas per day. This volume should not include tea, coffee, juice.
  • The diet can include boiled meat, boiled fish, steamed fish and meat, eggs, low-fat dairy products, nuts, dried fruits, seeds, hard cheese, vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid alcohol, sweets, fatty and salty foods.
  • Eat at least five times a day, but in small portions.
  • The last meal should be 3 hours before going to bed.
  • Acceptable foods must not be fried in vegetable oil. They can be boiled, boiled, baked in foil, steamed or grilled.

If you follow all the above rules, this diet will help reduce the numbers on the scale to minus 5-6 kg in 7 days. To consolidate the result, you can repeat the next course with protein weight loss after a month.

Now you know which is the most effective diet to lose weight in 7 days just for you. The only thing left is to choose!


  • "For several years I have been using the kefir diet to lose weight. I am not going to say that it is too effective, but losing 2-4 kg per week is quite easy. This diet can be considered a godsend for those who only need to lose a little weight, for better results they have to use something more aggressive. "
  • "Thank you for the article, I didn't even realize that my favorite onion soups help me lose weight. The only thing is that I cook them according to the traditional recipe and add spices. Now I'm going to try to use the recipe with cabbage and celery, I think it will also be tasty and good for the body. "
  • "And I like the medical diet, I've been doing it for a few months now to lose the extra pounds. It's a bit difficult to get out of it and the first few days I felt weak, but now my body is used to it and responds well to such nutrition. In one week we manage to get rid of 6-9 kg, but this is not the limit - my friend also regularly goes on this diet, she is overweight, so she loses up to 12 kg in one course. True, she also takes some kind of medicine to lose weight, but I think this is too much for the body, it is better to choose one - either diet or pills.