Chemical diets: menu, rules, results and reviews

Your old clothes will be too big if you lose weight on a chemical diet

Currently, nutritionists can offer a huge number of weight loss methods, each of which is characterized by severity, duration and variety of menu. There are programs that allow you to lose weight gradually or in a short period of time. How to choose the most suitable one? First of all, you need to focus on the condition of your own body and taste preferences. A popular option among those who lose weight is the chemical diet developed by Osama Hamdiy. It is this technology that will be discussed in the article. We will tell you about the basic principles and rules of losing weight, results and reviews, as well as the menu.

Doctor Osama Hamdiy, who developed a chemical diet to lose weight

Osama Hamdiy and his diet

Osama Hamdiy is an American physician and the founder of his own medical center that specialized in treating those suffering from diseases of the endocrine system. He was the first to develop a special diet program for them. With its help, even people with diabetes can lose weight. Moreover, such a diet allows you to normalize blood sugar levels, since the menu practically excludes the foods that contain it.

A chemical diet not only helps to lose weight, but also to improve the metabolism in the body. Therefore, with its help you can lose weight without suffering from extreme hunger. Osama Hamdiy developed this application after years of research. In fact, he was able to prove that the diet even helps people with diabetes lose weight. Overweight patients who lose weight with his method end up losing 20 to 30 kg. However, they did not come back after losing weight, as their metabolism improved. Sometimes the Hamdiy diet is also called biochemical, egg or protein.

What causes weight loss

This technique is considered extremely effective and helps to lose weight even for people suffering from second and third degree obesity. A chemical diet usually consists of a large amount of protein products. After eating them, one will not want to eat for a long time. Therefore, the diet does not include snacks.

In addition, those who lose weight will experience a lack of carbohydrates, which are the body's main source of energy. Consequently, to maintain life, he must use the reserve - fat deposits. They will shrink and the person will lose volume. In this case, you will only lose fat, not muscle. High levels of protein actually help preserve them.

To lose weight on a biochemical diet, it is also important to consider food compatibility. According to the author of the method, a certain combination of dishes allows you to initiate important chemical processes in the body that can speed up metabolism. Therefore, it is not recommended to change them yourself for similar or similar ones.

There are 3 variations of this diet that differ from each other in their duration. You can lose weight with this method within one, two or four weeks. You can actually lose weight using any of them, but for that it is important to follow certain rules.

Basic rules

To lose excess weight on a chemical diet, you need to follow some fairly strict rules, which not everyone can withstand. It is recommended to start it on a Monday, as the duration and menu are calculated exactly by the week. You must strictly follow the specified diet, without adding unnecessary foods to it. If you don't eat a dish, you can exclude it but not replace it with another. You also cannot take a day off and skip a certain date. If you still break this rule, you have to start the diet again.

Reviews of a chemical diet for 2 weeks indicate that it is quite difficult to maintain such a strict diet. But it is important to hold out until the end in order not only to lose weight, but also to improve metabolism. It is also advisable to limit salt intake as it contributes to water retention in the body.

All dishes must be prepared without adding vegetable oil - its use is strictly prohibited. You should also not fry or smoke food. They need to be boiled or cooked in the oven. It is also forbidden to dress salad with oil. Maintaining a water system is important. During the day, you need to drink at least 1. 5 liters of clean water without gases and various additives. It should only be consumed between meals. It is strictly forbidden to drink food with liquid.

A chemical diet will help you achieve lean body proportions

Avoiding alcohol is another important rule that should be followed. According to Hamdiy, it does not provide any benefits to the body, but is quite high in calories. You also have to give up potatoes as they contain a lot of starch. Other fresh vegetables are not only possible, but also necessary. The chicken must be boiled without skin and salt.

To achieve more effective weight loss, you need to exercise regularly, but you should not bother yourself with serious exercise. It is recommended to do daily exercises for half an hour or go for walks in the fresh air.


Based on reviews of chemical diets for 4 weeks, the menu is quite monotonous. This technique has many contraindications that you should familiarize yourself with before starting to lose weight. It would also be good to consult your doctor. And if the health deteriorates significantly, it is recommended to stop the diet and start eating without restrictions.

It is forbidden to use this method to lose weight for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, liver or kidneys. It is also contraindicated for atherosclerosis. It is worth choosing a different diet for hypertensive patients and people with high blood cholesterol levels. It is also not recommended for pregnant women, as a restricted diet can negatively affect the fetus growing in the womb. Avoid this diet if you are allergic to one or more foods on the menu, such as eggs or citrus fruits.

Benefits of diet

Although this technique is considered effective, it is also characterized by its rigor. Therefore, many people who are losing weight wonder why it is so popular. What are the benefits of a chemical diet for 4 weeks? The menu is prepared in advance, so you don't have to spend a lot of time thinking about which low-calorie dishes you can prepare. In addition, such a diet is safe for the body, because it was originally developed for people with diabetes. As a result, they can also effectively lose weight without fearing for their health.

The balanced menu is another important option. If you eat the recommended meals correctly, you will not feel hungry throughout the day. In addition, the diet includes only affordable food products, which do not need to spend a lot of money to buy. Both teenagers and older people can lose weight on this diet. She has no age restrictions due to a balanced diet.

Chicken eggs are a necessary product in the chemical diet

This diet not only allows you to quickly get rid of fat deposits, but it can also help to maintain the results. It improves metabolism, so if you lose weight correctly, rapid weight gain does not occur.

Her flaws

Despite the large number of advantages, a chemical diet for 4 weeks or less also has its disadvantages. First, many people who were losing weight did not like its strictness. It is necessary to follow a monotonous diet for a long time, which is quite difficult to do. Often people break down and then the diet has to start all over again. Most of all, those who are losing weight do not like a monotonous breakfast, its composition is forbidden to change.

Secondly, a large amount of protein in the diet is considered a disadvantage. Because of them, the diet is contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the digestive tract. In addition, the lack of carbohydrates in the body can cause constant fatigue and irritability. People who are losing weight often feel lethargic and lack energy. That's why it's especially difficult to exercise while dieting. Due to the lack of animal fat and sugar, as well as the complete exclusion of vegetable oil from the diet, people can sometimes experience a feeling of weakness that turns into dizziness.

Authorized products

A chemical diet for 4 weeks is a serious test for the body, so you need to prepare in advance for planning the diet. What foods are recommended to eat while losing weight? The author of the method advises to put more vegetables and fruits on the menu. Any type of zucchini and fresh eggplant will do. You can include beans, including green beans, in your diet. It contains many beneficial micronutrients and is quite filling, so you can fill up even with a small serving. It is recommended to add fresh or cooked carrots and green peas to the dish. If possible, you should choose pods rather than the canned product.

The menu includes fat-burning citrus fruits

You can also eat meat and fish, as they contain a large amount of protein. However, it is best to choose low-fat varieties. Chickens can only eat the breast. Meat and fish can be boiled or baked, but not fried. Among fruits, you should pay attention to citrus fruits, for example grapefruit. They are fat burners. But you can also eat other fresh fruits that are not on the list of prohibited foods.

What foods should you not eat?

To lose weight on a chemical diet for a month, you need to exclude a considerable amount of food from your diet. According to the reviews, this is not always easy to do, but after four weeks you will be surprised by the results. What foods should you not eat while dieting?

First of all, you should exclude fried, smoked and fatty foods. It is forbidden to eat lamb as meat. Other types of it must be low-fat. Second, you should not eat almost all dairy products. The only exceptions are low-fat cottage cheese and hard cheeses. Potatoes should not be eaten as vegetables.

You should reduce your overall intake of salt and sugar. The latter is best excluded from the diet. Drink tea, coffee and other hot drinks without sugar and milk. All wheat products are also prohibited as they contain a large amount of carbohydrates. You can only eat small amounts of bread made from bran or whole wheat. But if possible it should be replaced with bread.

You can eat fruit while dieting, but not all. Some of them contain high amount of sugar, so you should avoid them. It is forbidden to eat bananas, grapes and mangoes. The list of prohibited foods also includes dates, figs and raisins.

Example of this week's menu

The simplest and fastest option is a weekly chemical diet. Her menu was described in detail by the creator of the method, so you should strictly observe its consistency. In a week you can lose weight from 5 to 7 kg.

For breakfast, you should only eat 2 boiled eggs and a citrus fruit. It is forbidden to add other products. For drinks, if you want, you can drink black or green tea without adding sugar or cream.

The lunch menu at the chemical diet is very varied. It's detailed day by day throughout the week:

  • Monday: You can eat any fruit except bananas, grapes and other forbidden foods.
  • Tuesday: On this day you have to have cooked brisket for lunch. The maximum portion weight is 300 grams. You need to boil it without the skin. If you want, you can also bake the chicken.
  • Wednesday is vegetable day. You need to eat a few tomatoes with a piece of low-fat cheese and whole grain bread.
  • Thursday: all permitted fruits, as on Monday.
  • Friday: Make a steamed egg omelette. You can add zucchini to it if you want.
  • Saturday: another fruit day.
  • Sunday: eat boiled fish with fresh tomatoes. Choose only low-fat varieties. If you want, you can add two citrus fruits to your lunch.
Baked or boiled fish is a delicious dish on Osama Hamdiy's diet

Food eaten for dinner should be high in protein. Hamdiy recommends sticking to the following schedule throughout the week:

  • Monday: boiled lean meat.
  • Tuesday: two boiled eggs, salad of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. You can spice it up a bit with lemon juice. Citrus fruit for dessert.
  • Wednesday: Steamed chicken or turkey fillet.
  • Thursday: vegetable salad with boiled meat.
  • Friday: tomatoes and cucumbers with fish fillet. Orange or grapefruit.
  • Saturday: fish stew with vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice.
  • Sunday: Boiled vegetables or vinaigrette.

Two week diet

The menu for a chemical diet for 2 weeks is almost no different from the option described above. It is necessary to repeat the schedule for the next few days. However, if desired, they can be rearranged. In 2 weeks of following this technique, you can lose from 7 to 12 kg of excess weight.

Menu of the month: the first two weeks

The chemical diet menu for 4 weeks is very different from the previous two options. Reviews of it indicate that it is much stricter, so it is quite difficult to pass it. But in a month you can lose more than 15 kg. The changes will be especially noticeable in people suffering from severe obesity. Judging by the reviews, they can even lose 20-30 kg.

Breakfast on this diet is also monotonous. In the first and second week in the morning you need to eat two boiled eggs and half an orange or grapefruit. The author of the metabolic diet has explained the lunch menu for each day. To lose weight, stick to the following plan for the first week:

  • Monday: fresh fruit - all but forbidden.
  • Tuesday: chicken fillet, boiled or grilled, with tomatoes.
  • Wednesday: feta cheese with a slice of crusty bread, fresh vegetables.
  • Thursday: fruit day.
  • Friday: two eggs with vegetables cooked without oil.
  • Saturday: fruit day.
  • Sunday: chicken fillet with vegetables, orange or grapefruit.

In the second week, you should eat the following foods for lunch:

  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: boiled or baked meat, fruit salad.
  • Thursday: steamed omelette with boiled vegetables and a piece of hard cheese.
  • Friday: baked fish, tea or coffee without sugar.
  • Saturday: lean meat, it can be cooked in any way except roast, as well as tomatoes and grapefruit.
  • Sunday: stew of boiled vegetables and chicken.
Weight loss won't take long to come when you follow a chemical diet

For dinner, there is also a certain set of dishes that must be followed exactly to achieve good results. Here are the options for the first week:

  • Monday: steamed cutlets and half a grapefruit.
  • Tuesday: boiled eggs with vegetable salad.
  • Wednesday: meat baked in the oven, tea without sugar.
  • Thursday: boiled meat with fruit salad.
  • Friday: Fish fillet baked with vegetables and orange.
  • Saturday: lean meat with green tea.
  • Sunday: vegetable puree.

In the second week, the dinners will be less varied. Dr. Hamdiy suggests sticking to the following menu:

  • Weekdays: 2 boiled eggs and one citrus fruit.
  • Saturday: premium fruit.
  • Sunday: fried chicken with vegetables, you can eat an orange as a fruit.

Third and fourth week

Reviews of a chemical diet for 4 weeks indicate that it is not easy to follow. However, after 14 days, the body gets used to it and the low-calorie diet is easier to tolerate. The third week is considered the most free. It is important to distribute portions wisely in order not to feel hungry. The schedule for the third week is as follows:

  • Monday: fruit day. You can eat any fruit, except the forbidden.
  • Tuesday: vegetable day. It is recommended to eat boiled or stewed vegetables, as well as salad.
  • Wednesday: a mix of fruits and vegetables, cooked in any form.
  • Thursday: vegetables should be eaten with fish.
  • Friday: vegetables and lean meat.
  • Saturday-Sunday: any kind of fruit.
On vegetarian days in a chemical diet, you can prepare delicious salads

The last week of losing weight, as planned by the Creator, should prepare the human body for the gradual end of the chemical diet. There is no strict schedule here. Those who lose weight are offered a daily set of products that they can distribute throughout the day as they wish. The menu consists of the following dishes:

  • Monday: 600-700 grams of chicken or lean meat, 4 fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, a piece of whole grain bread, any citrus fruit and a can of canned fish.
  • Tuesday: 300-400 grams of meat or chicken, fruit, cucumbers and tomatoes, a slice of bread.
  • Wednesday: vegetable stew, two boiled eggs, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cucumbers (2 pieces each), a slice of bread.
  • Thursday: cooked turkey, tomatoes and cucumbers, grapefruit.
  • Friday: omelette prepared with fresh tomatoes, salad, bread and orange.
  • Saturday: chicken breast baked with cheese, tomatoes and cucumbers, citrus.
  • Sunday: canned fish without oil, boiled vegetables, grapefruit and bread.

The right way out

A chemical diet for 4 weeks is a long-term process of losing weight, so you can not immediately start eating in large quantities, otherwise your previous weight may return. The author of the method recommends introducing high-calorie foods gradually into the diet over a period of one month so that the body has time to adapt to the new diet. For a while, you should give up fast food, large amounts of wheat products and sweets. It is best not to use spices when preparing dishes, as they can increase appetite.

The result of losing weight on a chemical diet can range from 4 to 30 kg

It is not recommended to stay on this diet for more than 4 weeks. It can be repeated without harm to health only after one year.

Results and reviews of those who lose weight

Reviews of chemical diets are mostly positive. People could not only lose weight with this method but also trust the results. The diet is quite easy to tolerate, although at first it seems strict. After getting used to the new diet, those who lost weight almost did not feel hungry. Fatigue and irritability also occurred quite rarely. According to reviews, in four weeks of diet people can lose from 4 to 20-30 kg. The exact number depends on your starting weight and amount of body fat. After all, the more there are, the faster the extra pounds go. In addition, those who lose weight are advised to exercise to improve results and tighten loose skin.

A chemical diet for 2 weeks, judging by the reviews, is not as effective as for 4. It is more difficult to maintain it, those who lose weight often fail and they have to start the procedure all over again. Often, the consumption of citrus products can cause allergies, so this technique is not suitable for everyone. Some also noted that after a few weeks of weight loss, their stomach started to hurt.